Monday, October 24, 2005


I am very sad to say that our birthmother "match" has fallen through. She is a very sweet girl who still wants Kevin and me to be the parents of her baby should she change her mind before the birth. However, she just found out she is having a little girl. All of the other children and grandchildren in her family have been boys, even her two older children are boys. So, she's keeping the baby. We are heartbroken for that little girl. The mother's circumstances have not changed. She's going to have a very hard life. We know, however, that we will ultimately receive the child God intends for us to raise. It can just be so emotional at times. If you want to know more about our adoption, stay tuned to our blog. We'll share all the good news verbally. Sometimes it's just difficult to share the bad news over and over and over to all the people who care so much for us. We just need your prayers. Pray that we'll be patient while God works out all the details. Pray also for our baby and birthmother-to-be, as it is difficult to be on both sides of adoption.